
Origin: New Jersey, USA

A true American icon, Laird’s Applejack is made by America’s oldest family-run distillers and was first created by William Laird in Monmouth, New Jersey in 1698. Favoured by George Washington and served in Abraham Lincoln’s tavern in 1833, Laird’s is recognised by the US government as America’s oldest native distilled beverage – older than bourbon.

Laird’s Applejack: The oldest native American spirit – older than bourbon. Laird’s Applejack is 35% apple brandy and 65% neutral spirits. It takes 6 pounds (2.7kg) of apples to make one bottle. The apples are grown mainly in Virginia. It is aged 4 – 6 years.
Laird’s Applejack makes a wonderful spirit base for cocktails and is used in several iconic classics including the Jack Rose and Stone Fence.

Laird’s 100 proof Straight Apple Brandy: This is 100% apple brandy, 100 proof, bottled in bond. Laird’s 100 proof straight apple brandy is the foundation for Laird’s applejack.

Laird’s Applejack 86 Proof: A nod to the Laird family’s historic roots, with the pre and post Prohibition apple brandy produced at 86 proof. Warm, full flavour with overtones of baked apples & caramel.